Saturday 26 June 2010

graphic design commission

Dear Jez

Ah hahahaha your website is so funny… don’t worry, I’m not going to say your work is shit.
I’m out turning the internet upside down a bit pitching and out hunting for art and music contractors that I can work with.

So, just to introduce myself, my art only went as far as art foundation as I decided to do an academic degree; what I am doing now is to commission graphic art about neuroscience- yes neuroscience and nothing else.

I have my rusty Adobe Photoshop skills and did not look at my graphics portfolio for a couple of years, I know I can switch the MAC computer on and get designing and my skills will come back, but it is a rather large project.

May I just tell you what my project is about? Basically I am inviting you to do work 100 years late. I have identified a huge knowledge gap in the world and as I was reading up about TARA in America I realized that while there are 10 personality disorders as laid out by the professional psychologists, altogether they deserve the amount of attention that cancer gets, due to their seriousness and the number of lives that are affected by them, but the issue just does not receive such attention because of the huge barriers to knowledge transfer. I am specifically interested in bringing knowledge of 2 personality disorders to the world, the least well-known ones- the narcissistic and anti-social personality disorder. Anti-social personality disorder really has nothing to do with anti-social behaviour at all; ASPD is very much more serious than throwing things through windows and whatnot.

Now, I have read over 50 books on the subject, enough to make me sick, and there are some basic facts that need to be communicated to the lots of lots of people out there because the vast majority of other methods used to reach them fail (failures in magazine journalism, newspaper journalism, central government education reforms as they chronically lack data to use for justification, professors write papers in publications but nobody reads them outside of academia). Yes, the other methods will work maybe 80 years late, that is just too late and I find it to be unacceptable. Something needs to cut in fast, and while I have enough content there to generate enough songs to be published across a dozen albums (I published 2 songs last year), I also want to support endeavours in graphic design.

Anti-social personality disorder is also called sociopathy. What teachers did not tell me in high school, when they were teaching me about smoking, anorexia, drink-driving, please-don’t-take-heorin, is that, sociopaths (or psychopaths) are very difficult to spot, most are Not. serial killers and most of them live well outside of the prison, we assume that we’d be able to spot a psychopath if we ever saw one but that is not true- victims do not know something is wrong for a year or two when they know the psychopath well, then one day, the truth is revealed and everything crashes. History repeats itself in a new place. The diagnostic statistical manual (fourth edition) gives a diagnostic criteria for anti-social personality disorder, even Dr. Robert Hare- an expert in the field- failed to distinguish a sociopath in his own personal life.

Now this sounds scary as hell, so the purpose of the graphic design project is to look at broad trends and broad patters, population statistics and case studies, common themes, and lay the facts down digitally and on paper. This enables people to absorb important knowledge when they are relaxed and can take it easy so they are stimulated and intrigued, and be able to use the knowledge one day, rather than when they are deeply traumatized and they read psychology books full of words but cannot concentrate or heal. Magazine journalists want to interview the victims, but some of them died of suicide and the remaining suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, one symptom of this is the inability to recall what happened. So how are interviewees supposed to give information if they cannot use their brains to recall what happened? As a child I assumed that the only time people would suffer memory loss was if there was a big crash in something like a car accident, but actually PTSD causes memory loss as well. People have lost life as it is but they do not even know why that is, in a way that is doubly tragic. This explains why for as long as human civilization has existed, this vicious cycle has existed and currently it is a terrible burden on the British tax system since each ASPD costs £ 31,240 per year with no hope of rehabilitation. This is something that I found really tough, they really cannot reform their characters, by the age of 15 that’s that and nothing that therapists will ever do will actually be of any help, until someone wins the Nobel Prize with a cure I suppose. I wish sociopaths could just swallow a pill and sort it all out, but there is no pill.

My email is probably so bloody long that you want to turn all this into typography. The graphic design project is manageable as it is turning neuroscience facts to graphics. There are some key facts about the condition: 4 % of the population are sociopathic, they have an inaccurate perception of self and are never able to view events accurately no matter how intelligent they are, lives are devastated beyond repair and I am an exceptionally fortunate victim as I have received spiritual support from an Earl, a Lord, a Right Honourable, Chairmen of companies whom I fiercely protected, which was such a long story… well I protected so I was protected, ultimately, in return…

This project is loved by a dozen doctors that I talked to, various British politicians that I talked to (what they hate the most is a destructive burden on the tax system), the Harvard professors who wrote letters to me, the UCL professors who wrote letters to me, 2 lawyers who have somehow become fans of my music and that is so random- ., people who’ve cried on my shoulder etc. I need to write a more detailed business plan, finished books can be published (I don’t know much about the processes of book publishing but can put things online first) and formulate something like a save-a-friend scheme, school teachers are not capable of saving us on this front until 80 years or so later and so a teenage kid can spend 5 quid on buying a graphics book (that hasn’t got an education agenda but is actually education) because given the 4% figure, the friend will probably need the knowledge one day given the life expectancy is 79 years old, and while we cannot realistically avoid persons with anti-social personality disorder we can realistically make dramatic improvements on how a person copes once the worst has happened.

So would you like to do some of this work? Harvard Professors are dying for more awarness since they don’t want doctors to have to pick up PTSD patients who are almost dead, intervention needs to work a number of steps before PTSD- for the same reason our school teachers told us what anorexia was when we were in high school because once the problem gets too serious, things are out of hand and it is all too late.

Martha Stout won the ‘Book for a Better Life Award’ by publishing the book ‘The Socipoath Next Door’, I should do the knowledge-sharing and demand an award…

100 years late!!!

If possible, you can give this proposal to tutors at art college as well!

You’re having your summer holiday anyway so come out!
